20. November 2012 · Comments Off on SEPA is not against the gas-fired power plant in Lahad Datu · Categories: News & Updates


SEPA is shocked at the unsubstantiated attack and outburst of State Industrial Development Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah against SEPA and its President Wong Tack. The content of his statement shows his gross ignorance which is mainly because he has chosen to make an evaluation without a thorough site visit. He should make his appraisal based on ‘hard facts’ and not make sweeping statements.

SEPA is of the opinion the Minister is so blinded by emotion that he is driven to twisting facts. SEPA is not against the gas-fired power plant in Lahad Datu. All SEPA wants is that proper procedures be followed so as to avoid irreparable environmental damage. The means must justify the end.

Let Datuk Tan be reminded that the first requisite of Sabah’s EIA laws is that the site chosen must be the right one and cannot be chosen if it negatively affects the environment, unless as a last resort, and even then, only if the effects can be mitigated.

Too many projects carried out by the government are not given proper on the ground procedural importance. And often contractors carrying out government projects act like they have the ‘license to kill the environment’. This is where the problem lies and it’s the duty of the government, which includes the minister, to monitor and enforce the laws not NGOs like SEPA.

NGOs like SEPA are actually helping the government by pointing out the problems for the government to act and Datuk Tan should thank NGOs like SEPA and not shoot the messenger. If Datuk Raymond Tan has an interest, it should be the interest of the rakyat.

The Minister’s call to SEPA, if it is serious, to object to coal-fired power plants in peninsular reveals a large gap in the minister’s thinking – Datuk Tan had taken credit for the cancellation of the coal-fired power plant in Sabah then. Going by his reasoning he should get PM Najib to close down all coal-fired power plants in Malaysia.

SEPA has since 2009 requested an EIA Master plan on POIC developments rather than piecemeal EIA reports where, cumulative impacts cannot be measured. To date, there has been no Master plan detailing its development, to allow for comprehensive and detailed planning or environmental mitigation measures to be undertaken.

Did the EIAs have public and NGO input? You can only get an academic ‘green-washed’ EIA if the panel members are all government servants and appointees. SEPA requests that the Minister searches his soul and do right by the people. Don’t bulldoze things because future generations will suffer the consequences.

Sabah can attract billions of Ringgit worth projects if it wants, if it is lax in monitoring and enforcement or is interested in potential-killer projects such as Lynas in Kuantan. We accept the Minister invitation and SEPA and its President Wong Tack are willing to walk the talk and meet him at the site of the power-plant and also go through the whole of the POIC. If the Minister is really concerned, SEPA is also willing to go with him to Tawau to get first-hand view of the Kubota power-plant there, to see the insensitivity of the planners.

Wong Tack
President of Sabah Environmental Protection Association


09. November 2012 · Comments Off on JUDICIARY REVIEW – KUBOTA POWER PLANT / TAMAN MILLINIUM · Categories: News & Updates


Sabah Environment Protection Association (SEPA) and the residents of Taman Millinium has called on the Asistant Minister YB Pang Yuk Min and State Authorities to relocate the Kubota Power Plant to an industrial area far away from the residential but were completely ignored.

SEPA and the residents of Tawau were worries on their safety, value of their properties, and long term effect of their health being exposed to burning diesel, sound and vibration.

The Kubota Power Plant two diesel tanks with millions litters of diesel were build close to the road reserve and should an accident occur, the residents of Taman Millinium will be in great danger.

Moreover the power plant with two tall chimneys, built dangerously close to our Electrical Transmission Station and have a potential of attracting lightning strike to our transmission station causing a total black out to the many areas of Tawau for a long period of time.

Without conducting an EIA, the resident of Tawau were not given an opportunity to redress the environment, safety, health and impact on the life and properties.

The Tawau town council have no right to approved these project near Taman Millinium, knowing that the area was zoned residential and the land belong to the Rakyat under Land acquisition Act for Electricity Transmission only

As the Rakyat pay for the land, SESB being part of a listed company have no right to use the land to build a power plant close to a Taman and power plant fall under the category of Industry, therefore failed in their corporate responsibility and the law.

Since the state authorities fail to resolve our grievances we therefore SEPA and the Residents of Tawau are now in court to file our case for judiciary review.

Coming to Court for judiciary review will be our prime action to protect the environment impact, health, safety and value of the resident properties.

Sabah Environment Protection Association


Please view the Attachment for the content of the affidavit –
002 SEPAKobuto-affidavit.pdf
002 SEPAKobuto-application.pdf


Related News:
SEPA files court application to halt construction of Kubota project in Tawau


02. November 2012 · Comments Off on JUDICIARY REVIEW – SAVE KUKUSAN FOREST / TRIG HILL RESERVED · Categories: News & Updates

PRESS RELEASE: 1 November 2012

Sabah Environment Protection Association (SEPA) has called on the State Authorities and Hap Seng Building Material Sdn Bhd (HSBMSB) to stop blasting our Kukusan Forest / Trig Hill Reserved for the past 6 months or more through press release, police reports and direct engagement but failed to stop the on-going destruction of our iconic Kukusan Forest / Trig Hill Reserved. Not to say our valuable resource (quality stone) being exported by foreign own listed company at an alarming rate.

Hap Seng Building Material Sdn Bhd declared the company had fulfilled all legal requirement under the state laws and were issued with various licences and authorization letters to blast our protected hill and pit mining our stones on the protected areas leaving a potential toxic lake in the future.

In our engagement with them (HSBMSB) they advise us to take our case to state authorities if we thought they had done anything inappropriate as they have deem compliance with the law with licences and authorization letters, issues by various state department.

Therefore, SEPA has taken HSBMSB advice and now in court to file our case for judicial review. Coming to court for judicial review will be our prime action to protect our environment, forest and resources from being destroy and depleted.

Wong Tack
President of SEPA

Please view the Attachment for the content of the affidavit –
wong tack-application

This Affidavit is affirmed on the 1st day of November, 2012 and filed on the 1st day of November 2012 by Messrs Marcel Jude Joseph (2000) & Co, whose address for service is at Level 2, Lot 2B-29, 31, 33, Central Shopping Plaza, Jalan Banjaran, Kepayan Ridge, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Related News;
SEPA seeks RM100b damages over quarry operations


14. September 2012 · Comments Off on SEPA demand explanation how is quarry work in the Kukusan Forest Reserve has ‘complied with the requirements’ · Categories: News & Updates


TAWAU: Hap Seng Building Materials Sdn Bhd Chief Executive, Ron Delaney, surprised us when he claimed his company’s quarry work in the Kukusan Forest Reserve has ‘complied with the requirements’ set by the authorities

How does Delany’s ‘compliance’ claim and ‘approval by the authorities’ square with the fact that Kukusan Forest was designated a Class 1 Protection Forest between 1984 and 2003 which by law means strict protection where not ONE STAND OF TIMBER CAN BE REMOVED, much less removing rocks but by his admission, Hap Seng quarried Kukuksan all through that period ?

The Forest Legislation specifically state that no destruction of forest reserve in the process of removing forest produce.

This is the puzzling question SEPA Tawau is asking Delany and also the Office of the Director of Forestry Department Sabah to answer.

How is it that Hap Seng seemed to be given a free hand to do what look like a clear violation of the most essential safeguard for Sabah’s key forest resources?

We know from press clips some Tawau folks protested when they noticed this obvious anomaly and what happened next was Kukusan was downgraded to Class 2 Forest Reserve, instead of taking Hap Seng to task.

But even then, Class 2 status permits only commercial extraction of timber, not rocks, going by the limits set in the Forestry Enactment but Hap Seng also continued to quarry for rocks under its Class 2 status?

To every Sabahan, this is clear violation of Sabah Forestry laws, not compliance.

Delany owes the people of Tawau and Sabah an honest explanation how he deems obvious violations and noncompliance as ‘compliance’.

Similarly, the Office of the Director of Forestry Department also must explain why it ‘permitted’ quarrying even in class 1 protection Forest as Delany said categorically that Hap Seng Building Materials ‘complied with the requirements set by the authorities.’

How can quarrying a Class 1 and Class 2 forest be described as ‘compliance with the requirements set by the authorities’ when the requirements set the authorities clearly rule quarrying out, as far as every Sabahan knows it?

Doesn’t this case set the precedence that even Class 1 forest status doesn’t guarantee protection?

This incidence worries SEPA Tawau because it suggests that even the Class 1 status given to other high conservation areas like Maliau Basin and Danum Valley Conservation Area does not guarantee they are safe from being blown up.

Delany and Sam Manan need to explain the key question we have been asking from Day 1 -what makes it possible to deem non-compliance, compliance?

Other issues like the potential of leaving a toxic lake behind, or so called ‘compliance with approval s’ such as vibration ,air blast, airborne dust, water quality and noise level which Delany said EPD was checking were just side issues

Neither was SEPA looking at Hap Seng’s small pledge to return the area with well landscaped observatory platform 100 metres above sea level with sealed road access on one side and a fresh water lake, on project completion of it whole of life Plan Supplementary agreement with Forestry Department.

Meaning Kukusan Hill of 190 metres over sea level will be cut down to 100metres. How can Hap Seng compliance without violating Sabah Land Ordinance of gazette Trig Hill when they brimg down the hill

SEPA Tawau highlighted this case to alert everyone that no resources may be safe from foreign grab if they tell Sabahans their exploitations of even Class 1 forests had the approvals of the authorities.



13. September 2012 · Comments Off on Himpunan Hijau : Ongkili should stop manipulating the people · Categories: News & Updates


The Minister of the Science, Technology & Innovation Ministry (MOSTI), Maximus Ongkili’s statement that majority Malaysians are in favour of the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) project is made without basis and is just another ploy to manipulate the rakyat into accepting a project that can bring massive irreversible damage to this nation.

“Even if we put the issue of manipulation aside, in principle, is it acceptable to say that if one have bigger power or a bigger number (majority), then one can bulldoze things through at the expense of people’s suffering?” asked Wong Tack, chairperson of Himpunan Hijau national steering committee.

“Probably this is the mindset of Ongkili. Probably this is why for years, he has allowed his own people, the indigenous people of Sabah, to be marginalized and ran over,” added Wong.

Himpunan Hijau also deplored the MOSTI’s minister’s claim that the decision to issue the TOL is based on science.

“Ongkili, as a minister tasked with the responsibility to advise the top leader of this nation with science and facts, has continued to fail in his duty. He has continued to base his decisions on non–independent, one-sided, so-called scientific information from the project proponent. We seriously questioned his credibility. As we clearly remember, he once said that the wastes from a rare earth refinery can be discharged into the drain,” said Wong Tack.

Ongkili’s statement which implies that those who come forward for the Himpunan Hijau BLOCKADE campaign will be dealt with by the relevant authorities for breaking law and order is clearly aimed to intimidate the people.

“As a minister, Ongkili has allowed all the departments and agencies under his care to break all laws and regulations throughout the entire approval process of the LAMP project, and let a foreign corporate colonizer slip-in through the backdoor of our country. So, who is actually violating the law here?” asked Wong Tack.

“Ongkili might be in position but he has forgotten that the power is in the hands of the people. Until today, he still fails to feel the sentiment of the rakyat. This proves how much our leaders have disassociated themselves with the grassroot and the community.

“We foresee all these proud and arrogant leaders will be condemned and punished one day,” concluded Wong Tack.

Media release by

HIMPUNAN HIJAU National Steering Committee
12 September 2012

Members of the Himpunan Hijau National Steering Committee :
Wong Tack (Chairperson), Andansura Rabu, Bang Seet Ping, Clement Chin Yee Kaing, Lee Chean Chung, Lee Chin Chen, Nasrun Amir, Ooi Boon Seng, Dr. Phua Kia Yaw and V.Arumugam.

Email : himpunanhijau@gmail.com
FB : Himpunan Hijau 2.0 : Langkah Lestari
Twitter : Himpunan Hijau 2.0

In Solidarity,

Seet Ping
Himpunan Hijau National Steering Committee


28. August 2012 · Comments Off on Repeal Section 15(2) of the Forest Enactment 1968 (Sabah) – SEPA · Categories: Environment, News & Updates


Sabah Environment Protection Association has called on the Sate Government to Repeal Section 15(2) of the Forest Enactment 1968 (Sabah), because even violation of State laws can deem compliance under a strange provision.

Section 15(2) principally state that “under the provisions of this Enactment, but subject thereto, where any provision of such license agreement is inconsistent which any provision of this Enactment compliance with the provisions of such license agreement shall be deemed to be compliance with the provisions of this Enactment”

Because of the sweeping overriding power against our own State laws, nothing seems safe and Sabah risks losing its valuable natural resources and heritage such as Maliau Basin, Danum Valley, the Balambangan limestone massifs and even Mt. Kinabalu to private businesses, foreign companies included, through the stroke of an agreement by a few State CEOs.

Section 15(2) which opens the door to potentially serious public losses, before future damages surprise everyone simply because there exists such an incredible lope-hole which deems non-compliance to State laws as compliance, because it accords superior status to provisions in license agreements.

Sepa discovered this insidious power residing in Section 15(2) of the forest Enactment during our struggle to save Tawau’s Kukusan Forest/Trig reserve. We have already lost a once Class 1 Protection forest in Kukusan Hill apparently because of the superior status of the provisions in an obscure supplementary agreement.

“The agreement struck on 9th August 2010, obligated CEO of Hap Seng Group Quarry and Building Material Division Director, Ron Delaney to contribute RM2 million to the Sabah State Forestry Department’s Forest Conservation Trust Fund and USD66, 000 (about RM214, 000) to the department for tree replanting and rehabilitation that would involve 66 hectare in Kukusan Forest Reserve, purportedly in line with their so called Corporate Social Responsibility.

In return, however, the Government and Hap Seng Building Materials entered a 15 years, Supplementary Agreement for the whole-of-life Plan and Extension of Area for the Kukusan Quarry supposedly for a continuous stream of quarry products to the community. But our Tawau market sources said the stones were exported to Brunei and Indonesia.

At the end of 15 years, we believe it will flattened the whole hill and will left behind a toxic lake with no beneficially to the people of Sabah especially Tawau. That was the big wake-up called lesson, Sepa learnt from our battle to save Tawau’s Kukusan Hill Forest Reserve from annihilation, over the last few month.

Sepa thought if we could highlight in the local press Hap Seng’s history of serious violations against Class 1 Protection Forest law on the strict no take and no conversion ban, Class 2 Commercial Forest rules limiting activities to only timber logging and forest produce and no destruction of forest, and also violation against Land Ordinance (Sabah Cap 68) on government Trig Reserve, the authorities would act to cancel Hap Seng’s quarry license and leave kukusan Hill alone.

We traced hard facts of history to show how Forest Department actually designated Kukusan Hill a Class 1 Protected Forest between 1984 and 2003 but Hap Seng which began quarrying Kukusan on July 1980, dynamited freely in a Class 1 Forest all through those 20 years. When people protested about the violation, someone went to the Legislative Assembly to downgrade Kukusan to a Class 2 Commercial Forest which actually still bars quarrying but Hap Seng continued as usual.

When the double violations we cited were not enough. SEPA engaged a licensed private surveyor – Jurukur Sabah, to assess whether it had violated Section 26(1)(2) and Section 160 of the Land Office’s Government Trig Reserve under the Land Ordinance (Sabah Cap 68) in early March 2012.

To our shock, the survey report completed in Mid March revealed Hap Seng’s has blasted away 6.33 acres or 99 percent of the 6.39 acre land. But still, the Director of Land and Survey did not come out to cancel Hap Seng’s licence in the same way that he cancelled the operation license of Leeka Quarry on Sin Onn Hill, at the end of last year.

The pleasant surprise to us all is that Sin Onn Hill actually sits on a private alienated land but the Land Office showed it had the power to act incisively to terminate its license on account of a violation of Government Trig Reserve law on a Hill Ridge.

But both the Forestry Department and Land Office mystified SEPA why they took no action against Hap Seng on apparently even worse violations.

After the big fuss in the local press, Delaney from Hap Seng, flew over to Sabah personally to meet SEPA in a closed door session but instead of being apologetic, he categorically declared the company had fulfilled all legal requirement under State laws and advised SEPA to go after the authorities if we thought they had done anything inappropriate. But Delaney’s both all-compliance claims let the cat out of the bag.

It alerted SEPA to Section 15 (2) of the Forest Enactment which says compliance with provisions under the Supplementary Agreement which apparently is good enough to protect the company from non-compliance provisions of the Forest Enactment and so he felt confident Hap Seng is protected.

We think this is why Sabahans should question the outrageous, sweeping overriding power of Section 15(2) of the Forest Enactment 1966 (Sabah).

But before we could even confront the relevant State departments, the Director of Sabah Forestry Department went to the press to justify the deal, labeled Kukusan Hill in its present condition as a mere ‘paper protection’ and argued further that accepting the conservation money from Hap Seng for a good forest conservation cause is proper since Sabah has the forests but lacks finance.

It deject SEPA to see the custodian of one of the richest tropical timber forests in the world now bow to the stone business of a foreign own company for money, because the Department allowed people to strip and empty its timber content, in the way the Kukusan Class 1 protection Forest has been stripped of its timber, right under the nose of the Forestry Department.

SEPA fears that if a State Department is allowed to take money from private business, it immediately owes private business interest a big favor, and we risk sell-outs of all public resources to a few because money motivates people powerfully to make not necessarily the right decision for public interest.

We now risk a trend where we risk the regulator being subject to the regulated, their terms and conditions which risk comprising their sacred mandate as guardians to safeguard the people’s vital resources.

SEPA therefore urge the State Government to bar State Department or Agencies to accept funding from private business interest and repeal Section 15(2) of the Forest Enactment.

The Government should use instead tax payers’ money to increase cash flows substantially to department mandated to protect the State key natural resources to ensure effective, independent regulation, through the annual State or Federal budgets, instead of forever treating conservation as a worthless, backyard issue.


15. August 2012 · Comments Off on SEPA meet with YB Pang Yuk Ming about the 64MW Power Plant Project in Taman Millenium. · Categories: News & Updates

A delegate from SEPA (Sabah Environmental Protection Association) had met with YB Pang Yuk Ming, Assistant Minister of Infrastructure and Development of Sabah on Monday (13 August 2012) at his office to discuss their concern about the building of the 64MW power plant project in Taman Millenium in Tawau.

A delegation from SESB (Sabah Electrical Sdn Bhd) also came to join in the discussion. SEPA delegation headed by the President Wong Tack started by voicing the resident concern about the hazard of the power plant that was build in close proximity to the residential area especially with the huge fuel tank next to the main streets.

Wong Tack suggested to YB Pang to reconsider and move the power plant outside away from any residential and busy area on a contained safe area. It is not fair for the Taman Millenium resident to take the risk that came out from the power plant if something bad happened they have to pay for it. He also question the decision that was made to put the power plant near to resident area in the first place.

YB Pang Yuk Ming reaffirm to SEPA that the decision was done in proper manner and SESB has the obtain the approval form authority to conduct their project at the site. SESB said, the reason for choosing the site due to save construction time where the Tawau people is in urgent to have a steady supply of power and also that the power plant is safe and the risk is manageable.

YB Pang also added that the power plant must be in Tawau because it at the end of the grid, if anything happen the local resident will have to suffer. He also promise to bring the resident concern to the authority for further consideration but if they still not happy about it, they can take action against it.

“SEPA will always monitor the situation and make the procedure of the power plant followed and will do anything to make sure the people interest be protected . This is a very important humanity and social justice issues. Instead choose to avoid the risk, they decided to let the people to take it.” Wong Tack said during the press session.

SEPA delegate (Wong Tack, Julia Hwang and SM Muthu) greatly appreciate YB Pang Yuk Ming and SESB for having a time to meet them and discuss about this issues concerning the people interest.


02. August 2012 · Comments Off on ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – Kukusan Reserve/ Trig Hill Reserve · Categories: Environment, News & Updates


In a recent closed-door meeting with SEPA President Wong Tack, Hap Seng Building Material Sdn Bhd Australian CEO Mr. Ron Delaney said categorically that the company fulfilled all legal requirement under the law to blast our Kukusan Forest Reserve/Trig Hill reserve to annihilation of the hill and has the potential to leave behind a toxic waste lake a legacy to Tawau. He said if SEPA is not happy, then we should go after the authorities and not Hap Seng.

Delaney claimed that Hap Seng is not exporting the quality aggregate stones to Brunei, Indonesia and others.

SEPA believes that Hap Seng’s claim that they are not exporting the aggregate stones to Brunei and Indonesia is “misleading” as it is common knowledge among the industry in Tawau who believe that they export most of that product through third party via Teck Quan jetty and Tanjung Batu Log Pond jetty.

According to Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd web site, their quarries in East Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia currently produce approximately 8.4 million metric tonnes of quality aggregate stone per year. Out of which at least a million ton of stones come from our dying Kukusan Forest/Trig Hill Reserve, based on our market information, the Kukusan Quarry has a production capacity of no less than 150,000 tons per month!

Hap Seng has embarked an aggressive plan using Australian mining technology to build a sophisticated conveyer system whereby it can convey millions of tons from it Kukusan Quarry to Tanjung Batu log pond, a distant of about 3 km. A section of the loading system has been completed and operation.

Hap Seng’s intention to finish of Kukusan Forest/Trig reserve in a minimum time for profit at the expense of our children and social economic future of Sabah implicit in the “whole life Plan” deal struck with the Forestry Department. Imagine what material would our future generation use to build on?

SEPA is wondering why the authority refuse to act against Hap Seng, knowing that their action is detrimental to the interest of the people of Sabah and it future generation.

Could Section 15 of the Forest Enactment 1968 is so powerful that it veto the followings:

1. The gazette Forest Reserve Act

2. The Sabah land Ordinance Cap 68, section 26(1&2) and section 160 under Trig Reserve

3. The Environment Quality Act 1974, under section on EIA project concept, the project proponent must make sure that the concept of the proposed project does not contradict any development plans, policies or any decision of the Government of Malaysia prior to the EIA Study.

Does Forest Reserve and policies not under the National Physical Plan, local Plan or Regional Plan for the protection of our natural reserve and resources? If they do, then the EIA conducted in Kukusan Reserve/ Trig Hill Reserve is faulty.

“SEPA wants to know why our elected government can down grade a CLASS 1 protected Forest to CLASS 2 Commercial Forest and then allow a foreign Corporation to enter into agreement to remove an iconic landscape and natural heritage completely and potentially leaves behind a massive toxic lake and this is all done with the approval of the current state cabinet in 2011” Wong Tact said

Gary Yap

Related Link: Sepa again insists Kukusan blasting detrimental
